The Power Of Habit
"The Power of Habit" deals with some of the most intrinsic aspects of human behavior, giving lucid and interesting explanations. This book will give you the foundational understanding required to create new habits that will drive your success and break old habits that are limiting your life. The Power of Habit is an incredible book that teaches you about how habits are formed how the bad ones can be broken and how information on habits can be used in marketing, management, and social movements. The book kicks off with an interesting rat experiment where the author introduces the main idea of the book. Three parts make up a habit: cue, routine, and reward. Cue is the automatic trigger for a habit to start, routine is the behavior and reward is that what you seek. To break a habit, it is important to first identify the cues and rewards. And then essentially any habit can be changed by premeditating the cues and rewards. The Power of Habit ends with a very actionable plan that you can use to control habits. You can use the plan to either fix a bad habit by modifying it, or you can use it to create new habits that will make you successful.